Pricing guide & information

Are we able to create a custom package for our Wedding/Elopement?
Of course! I’ve photographed & attended my fair share of shindigs to know that all weddings are different.
Guest number, the locations, the venue, the amount of coverage - it’s all different and that’s is why I offer custom packages.

When you fire off a contact form, the first thing I do is schedule a chat to find out all the little details about what matters to you.
I’ll be able to suggest how many hours you may want, offer suggestions based on locations and work out the nitty gritty’s to create the perfect package for you.

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Include a minimum of 6 hours of coverage, an adventure session, indivudally edited and colour corrected imagery, private online gallery with unlimited printing & downloading rights, a custom USB drive & as many skype, coffee dates and catch-ups as needed for all the small details.


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Every elopement includes at least 4 hours of photographic documentation, indivudally edited and colour corrected imagery, a private online gallery with unlimited printing and downloading rights, a custom USB drive & as many skype, coffee dates and catch-ups as needed for all the small details. For Peace of mind, I also offer help with the planning and logistics of interstate and/or rural elopements, including vendor recommendations, timeline assistance, location scouting and ceremony ideas.



portrait adventure sessions

Adventure sessions are my twist on engagement and couple sessions. We head out to locations like the Highland mountains, the gorgeous sea-cliffs of the peninsula or even the sand dunes in the great west - anywhere that’s not your council gardens & create memorable, fun and epic photographs. Each Adventure session includes 2 hours of coverage, up to three locations, over one hundred individually edited images, a private online gallery with unlimited downloads and printing rights.